sábado, 25 de junio de 2016

Riddle 1: Two Doors

The two doors

The following is an adaptation of one of the most famous riddles, the riddle inspired by " knights and squires , " which was popular in the mid-twentieth century. Can be found in many forums, books of riddles and in the film  Labyrinth ( "Labyrinth", 1986) , where  the great  David Bowie  played  the role of  Jareth, the king of the goblins , who from here manuf you tribute.

You are a prisoner in a cell where there are  two doors guarded by  two guards  in front of each of them. One door leads you into a  labyrinth  from which you can never leave, while the other leads you to  freedom . You know one of the guards always tells  the truth  and the other always  lies , but you do not know who is who. Your  captor  Jareth, the king of the goblins, gives you the opportunity to cross one of the doors after making  one question  to one of the guards. What question would you do to find out  what is the door  that will lead you to  freedom ?.

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